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Programs : Brochure

  • Locations: Cork, Ireland; Dublin, Ireland; Galway, Ireland
  • Program Terms: Winter Interterm
  • Restrictions: DU applicants only
Program Description:

LDRS 2420: Leadership in the Movement for Irish Independence

**Please note: students are required to be vaccinated to participate in this interterm**

Note: This is a University Academic Programs abroad program (not OIE) and is not eligible for Cherrington Global Scholars. Please email for more information.


Course: LDRS 2420
Course Title:  Leadership in the Movement for Irish Independence
CRN:  1022
Credits:  4
Course Dates: November 29 - December 10, 2021
Location:  Various locations throughout Ireland (Dublin, Cork, Galway)
Instructor(s): Paul Kosempel and Trisha Teig
Registration Deadline: October 29, 2021, or when the course is full (SPACE IS LIMITED)

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Much can be learned from the journey toward Irish Independence. Through an intensive study of this movement, students will explore Irish history and culture with a specific focus on the role leaders AND leadership played in gaining independence. Students will visit historical sites in Ireland and learn about leaders and their legacies from multiple national experts. From these experiences, students will reflect upon and draw connections between historical rebellion movements and those of today.


Course Costs*

Course Program Fee: $2,260.00, the program fee will be reduced to $2,060 if more than 20 students participate in the class
(includes all breakfasts, some group meals, lodging, in-country transportation, and entrance fees to various activities) 

Program fees are non-refundable, even in the case that a student drops the course.
Tuition:  $5,960.00 (4 credits of tuition using tuition rates for 21-22)
*These expenses are estimates and are subject to change.


Out-of-Pocket Cost Estimates**

Airfare $500-$900 (Students are responsible for making their own flight arrangements.)
Meals & Incidentals $50/day for 10 days
**These costs are not included in the program fee and are approximations for what students can expect to cover out-of-pocket.

Interterm Scholarships

Students interested in being considered for an interterm scholarship will simply indicate their interest in the course application (above). There is no further action needed. Upon submission of your application, UAP staff will review applications and contact students with a scholarship offer (if any) on a rolling basis. 

Course Application

In addition to more standardized questions, the course application will require students to answer the following four essay questions. It is recommended that you compose your answers to these questions before you begin the application process to avoid your log-in session expiring and losing your work. 
  • How does this course fit into your academic and personal goals?
  • Please describe your reason for selecting this particular travel course and location over other travel locations.
  • What have you done to prepare for your travel course experiences?
  • Please describe three challenges you expect to face during your travel course experience and how you might deal with them.
Apply Now!